

Watch "Sigur Rós - Festival" on YouTube

Sjáum yfir rá
Sjóinn skerum frá
Við siglum mastri trú
Seglum þöndum
Við stýrum að í brú

Við siglum í land
Í stórgrýti og sand
Við vöðum í land
Já, anskotann

Feginn fann ég þar
Þökkum ákaflega
Í skjóli neyðarhúss
og við sváfum
Stórviðri ofsaði út

This song is a from a band Iceland. I still could not find the english translation of the song.
Eventhough I don't understand the lyrics, the music and lyrics for me is so beautiful.
They used this song in the final moment just before Aaron Roslton cut off his hand in the movie 127hrs.
From what Aaron said, the feeling at the moment during his hand was cut off from his own body, was euphoria, joy, relieved and not a single pain at all.
Maybe this what the song is all about, euphoria and joy.

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