
Pacesetters Back to Basics 30km : My Run

It was supposed to be a 30km run for me, my first 30km. the route was 10km and each runners was encouraged to ran 3 loop. Due to heavy rain the night before certain route was deemed unsafe by the organizer and they decided to cut the loop to 7km only.
I was quite scared at first with the thought of running 30km but when the organizers announce they reduce the loop to 7km, I was all smile because I know I could do it. With running 3 loops, its just like a half marathon for me.

The run starts on time at 5.30am and since it was a non competitive event, everybody treats it like their weekend LSD. 1 loop was fine and the 2nd was event better. Maintained my pace and controlling my breathing so I could finish the total 21km without stopping.I even believe I could finished it without even taking my Powergel (I brought 2 by the way).
I have to stop after the first loop for Subuh prayer where the surau was strategically placed beside the starting point. 3rd loop was the problem, I could not maintain any pace, my breathing was out of control and starting to get side stitches. I  took 1 Powergel and managed to ran thru till the finish line.
In the end I only managed to shave off 5 minutes of my previous PB in HM. Not bad since I've stop running for the last 2 months.
Kudos to the Pacesetters in organizing such a wonderful events, nothing much to complained at all.
I really hope they could organized this twice a year starting next year. If they did I will be the first to register.
the lucky number

3 bands for 3 loops

winning pose

winning pose 2

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