

Running for half marathon is never easy especially if you have no training and have no proper diet. The initial plan was to run Half Marathon in the middle of next year. Suddenly out of nowhere opportunity came along,my as me to replace him as he unable to run as he is attending his sister's convo in Melaka.
I was nervous during the start, praying that I make it to the finish line,safe. 1st 3km, my pace was good, non stop running until stomach cramp caught up on me.
From there every step is a struggle. I kept on telling myself that I need to finish. I need to push and reach the finish line before the cut off time. The cut off time is actually 3hours 30 minutes.
The last 7km as the hardest. Its feels like forever to reach the finish line. I ate my power gel at 15km mark as I felt I couldn't go on. Every km is a struggle. I couldn't run uphill so I just walk.
When I look at the time at the 18km mark, I feel like I could finish this in 2hrs 30minutes. So I push hard, running but my legs just could not go on. So I walk, till the 20km mark.
Only then I started running again, I run side by side an old chinese man. I think if he can make it, so do I. At the end, i crossed the finish line, with a disappointing time of 2hrs 34minutes.
I feel great after crossing the finish line eventhough I could barely walk after that. I could not stay long as I have to make it to INTENGAH before 12.
I have conquered my demons, as I never thought I could achieve this. Never in a million years I tought I could run this far, and the best part is with no training at all. This will not be the last, I will run more half marathon after this. Wait for my comeback in 2013.
Now, my body and mind are so tired but I could not sleep as my legs are to weak. So weak and so painful that it won't let my brain rest.
Its almost 3am now, I have to attend a week of Modul Bomba starting 6.30am. Just hope I could make it in one piece this weekend.
Please I need to doze off.

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